1:1 Yoga Therapy

1:1 Yoga Therapy

Holistic Healing

Yoga Therapy balances your body and mind with personalized tools of movement, mindfulness, meditation, relaxation and breathing exercises.

Our in-person and virtual 1:1 Yoga Therapy sessions are tailored to your goals, lifestyle, and personality. You and your Yoga Therapist will work together to create manageable steps toward your goals.

Free Consultation
•  20 minutes
•  Complimentary call to meet and address your questions

Initial Intake Session
•  90-120 minutes
•  $100-$250 price varies per therapist

Ongoing Yoga Therapy Session
•  60 minutes
•  $75-$150 price varies per therapist

What To Expect In Your First Appointment

After scheduling your initial intake session you will receive an intake form to complete before meeting. This form prepares you and your Yoga Therapist for your first session with information about your health history, lifestyle, concerns and goals for 1:1 Yoga Therapy.

During your intake session:

  • begin to develop a trusted relationship with your Yoga Therapist,
  • have space to voice your challenges and desires, and
  • explore techniques that efficiently guide toward more sustainable health.

Your therapist will then design your individualized practice for daily movement toward recovery and growth.

What Is Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga Therapy (or therapeutic Yoga) is a process dedicated to the recovery and growth of your whole being. As a form of somatic therapy, it is highly complementary to any Western medical care you may receive. Through the lens of how Yoga views and interacts with the human system, you will become more skilled in recovering and maintaining health of mind, heart, and body.

A personalized Yoga Therapy program is developed collaboratively between you and your Yoga Therapist. Your personal practice is drawn from the 8 limbs of Yoga and may include postures, breathing techniques, healing meditation, imagery, chanting, personal study, or lifestyle recommendations. As Yoga is interested in your holistic wellbeing, your therapeutic practice can support your somatic, physiological, cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.

A C-IAYT (Certified-International Association of Yoga Therapist) has a minimum of 1000 hours of training in the field of Yoga Therapy. This includes the minimum 200 hours of training required to be a yoga teacher plus an additional 800 hours of training that may include: therapeutically oriented philosophy, kinesiology, psychology, biomedicine, anatomy, pathophysiology, the adaptation of Yoga tools, and a clinical practicum.

What to Expect in 1:1 Yoga Therapy

1:1 Yoga Therapy sessions differ from general Yoga classes in the following ways:

Yoga Class

  • Group setting
  • General instruction of Yoga techniques
  • Practice for an array of students
  • Fitness-oriented (achieving postures)
  • Limited individual adaptations
  • Community energy and connection

Yoga Therapy Session

  • 1:1 setting with the possibility for group support
  • Therapeutic, trusted relationship
  • Individualized, therapeutic intake
  • Private work with specific concerns
  • Practices tailored to your goals
  • Self-empowerment for recovery and growth
  • Building a knowledge base around Yoga Therapy

Practice Yoga Austin Instructor Siara Morrow

Siara Morrow

Why Yoga Therapy? I have felt and observed how essential it is to speak the ugly, dark aspects of reality, be deeply heard, and receive tailored practices for recovery, maintenance, and growth. My main priority is how the tools of Yoga revitalize your mind and heart (emotional, behavioral, and spiritual dimensions). Your experience is real. I am here for whatever is up, or down, for you.

Experiencing what I teach is my foundation. I have been in ongoing Yoga Therapy since 2020 where my therapist designs my daily practice. I am also continually enrolled in programs by advanced teachers to refine and deepen my understanding of what I share with you. What you receive is from a thoroughly tested tradition, not from my solo imagination.

Ongoing studies: principles and application of Yoga Therapy, principles and application of meditation, Patañjali’s Yogasūtra (philosophy), Bhagavad Gītā (dharma, devotion).

Jess Zarowitz

Yoga Therapy provides an opportunity to co-create a personal practice that helps empower you to find balance in all aspects of your life. Whether it be managing chronic pain, tools to help mitigate your anxiety, working through challenging emotions, or finding ways to cultivate peace in stormy times, there are endless challenges that our therapeutic yoga sessions can help address. I am passionate about sharing the transformative tools of yoga that have helped me along my healing path with people who don’t think they can “do yoga.”

My approach is centered around setting achievable goals, starting with small changes and gradually moving towards larger shifts that create positive movement in your inner landscape and ripple out to transform your outer world. I am here to be your supportive guide, helping you to celebrate the little and BIG victories along your journey. With a wealth of personal and professional experience, I have honed my expertise in various areas. These include mental well-being, nervous system regulation, recovery from substance misuse and disordered eating, nature therapy, trauma processing, and injury recovery. This diverse range of specialties, alongside my prospective licensure as a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), will allow me to integrate these healing modalities and cater to a wide spectrum of client needs.

C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, PLA, MSW candidate